Sunday, 22 May 2016

Arizona Science Centre

We spent 6 hours at the Arizona Science centre today. It was lots of fun for everyone.

We started at Water Gears and Spears with lots of different ways to get wet.


Next we went to All About Me. The boys did wheelchair racing and Heartbeat Drums. Ryan's favourite was going into the stomach with all the sights and sounds of the digestive system.

At the Get Charged Up! area we got to lie down on a bed of nails. We experimented with balls hovering in the air and making waves.


In the Forces of Nature we went to the Immersion Centre where we got bombarded with 7 different forces of nature - Heat from Wild Fires, Hurricanes, Heat from Volcanic Eruptions, Tornado, Eathquake, Wind and Rain.
The boys built a dam, strengthened with rocks.

In the Digital World the boys really enjoyed the little digital men. They made some funny faces by warping their images.

We tried to catch some virtual sand.

The boys had a race with their brain waves. Ryan managed to calm his brain activity down the most and won the race.

We went back to the car for a little while to have lunch and rest our legs. After that we had a look at the CREATE workshop.

We experimented with the forces of flight.

Also created some structures with weird shaped building blocks.

Next the boys pedalled to make light bulbs work.

We ended with a second play with Water Gears and Spheres.


It was a busy day and I was exhausted by the end of it. I thought the boys would be tired too and go to bed early. But it is almost 11:00 pm now and they are still wide awake!!